Dancer, performer, choreographer.
Valérie Thilinguirian, passionate about dance, began classical dance at an early age. Alongside her studies in foreign languages, she trained in contemporary dance during master classes with Peter Goss, Corinne Lanselle, Anna Sanchez, Andonis Foniadakis, Yuval Pick, Nam Jin Kim... She participated in multidisciplinary improvisation sessions during workshops or open stages.
She began her professional career in 2003 and worked with various choreographers in the Lyon region with companies in contemporary dance, dance theater and young audiences (Compagnie A petits pas, Cie Dans ces legends, Cie Azy, Cie Des étoiles plein les poche…).
She also participates in a circus dance creation with the choreographer Jean-Claude Carles, an experience that introduces her to aerial techniques, techniques that she will deepen during internships in aerobatic dance and dance on fabric. These experiences will lead him to create his first fabric solo "Envol" which sees the light of day in August 2014.
She participates as a choreographer and performer in a dance theater creation on the theme of exile which is filmed for a month in Armenia (Sept. 2011).
In 2007, she obtained her diploma as a contemporary dance teacher and taught in dance schools or in the context of choreographic workshops in schools.